For the second year in a row the Big Band Júnior presents at São Luiz the concert that marks the end of their Spring Training. Continuing their work to discover Portuguese jazz music, the youngest big band in the country shows us jazz music and jazz musicians from the North of Portugal, a region that encompasses one of the most creative creative and dynamic musical communities in the country. They are joined by a group of guests who play a major role in the development of Portuguese jazz music.
Orquestra-Escola de Jazz (Orelha Viva/Hot Clube de Portugal)Artistic direction Alexandra Ávila Trindade and João Godinho Pedagogical and musical direction Claus Nymark

23 June
Sunday, 17h30
Sala Luis Miguel Cintra
€12 to €15 with discounts
Cast and Creative
Musical direction Claus Nymark Artistic direction Alexandra Ávila Trindade and João Godinho Pedagogic direction Claus Nymark Orchestra secretary and assistant producer João Fragoso Communication and assistant production Gil Pereira Sound Suse Ribeiro Co-presentation Orelha Viva, Hot Clube de Portugal, São Luiz Teatro Municipal