This series of conferences aims to provide a space to reflect about the major issues of our near future, considering the impact that technologies have on society, with an emphasis on developments in the fields of art, culture and knowledge. The growing virtualisation of the world and of experiences, in a context of a certain technological determinism, has been transforming our perception of events, causing us to increasingly recognise ourselves in a man-machine symbiosis, with its inherent conflicts of identity and subsequent apprehension regarding a subordination of what is naturally human. Just like politics, art too requires a long-term understanding. Today, we witness a sudden explosion of experiences that happen almost simultaneously. Our relationship with time has changed significantly and shapes our presence – or absence – in a world of mediated experience. Recent developments in the so-called Artificial Intelligence have come to exacerbate our concern with the radical shift in the foundations that determine our societies, which are mainly based on a humanist perspective. This series aims to contribute to exploring and analysing these questions. For this, it includes the participation of researchers, philosophers, essayists, university professors and artists, whose proven expertise and experience in these various themes will enable a well-grounded approach.
17 September
Daniel Innerarity
Philosopher and essayist
18 October
Maria Filomena Molder
28 to 30 November and 5 to 7 December
São Luiz Fora de Portas – Espaço Dupla Cena 77
Mostra de artistas – Arte, Ciência e Tecnologia
6 December
José Gil