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That’s All, Folks!

Past event
Dates and Schedules

23 to 25 February and 1 to 3 March
Friday and Saturday, 7:30 pm; Sunday, 4 pm


21, 22, 28 and 29 February
Wednesday and Thursday, 2:30 pm
Target audience: Secondary Schools
€3 per student (free for companions)
(for reservations: escolas@teatrosaoluiz.pt)



Sala Mário Viegas


€12 with discounts (Covered by the Culture Pass - available only at the Theater ticket office)

Age Restriction



That’s All, Folks! is a show about ephemeris, about collective memory, about remembering and immortalising. This show revisits dates, maps events and images that populate our imagination and teach us what to love, what to hate or who to avoid. What ideas are embodied in these celebrations? We celebrate in order not to forget – but what do we really celebrate? Who decides what should be forgotten? Plataforma285 asks many questions: “Love, admiration, sparkle. Here we are, at this moment of consecration, where we remember that here lies the real reason for this collective celebration – although we don’t realise exactly what it is. There are so many dates, so many festivals, and in all of them the same love, the same admiration, the same glow. Someone dies and a holiday is born. What’s not to love? And so we continue to celebrate the rural, the popular, the folkloric, the beautiful images of romantic rurality. What could be better?”



Please be aware that strobe lights are used in this show.

Cast and Creative

Creation Plataforma285 Artistic Direction and Text Cecília Henriques and Raimundo Cosme Interpretation Cecília Henriques and Beatriz Beja Interpretation and Curriculum Internship from ESAD Mira Bulhões video performance Maurícia Barreira Neves Musical Direction Cigarra External View and Support for the Movement Maurícia Barreira Neves Co-creation and Costumes Inês Ariana Execution of costumes Atelier Rosário Balbi, Hugo Graça, Miu Lapin, Pedro Rodrigues Co-creation and Set Design Bruno José Silva Construction of scenography elements Ricardo Sousa (Matéria Handmade Woodcraft) Support space for scenography production LA RAGE Light Design Daniel Worm Photography Joana Correia Video Ana Ladislau Publication Design Bru Pontes Co-creation and Production Direction Raquel Bravo Production Assistance Mariana Sá Marques e Ana Ladislau Partners for artistic residencies União de Freguesias de A dos Cunhados e Maceira, Junta de freguesia da Silveira, União de Freguesias de Campelos e Outeiro da Cabeça, Junta de Freguesia do Ramalhal, Associação Pro-Memória Residencies Cão Solteiro Residências 120, O Espaço do Tempo, Casa Varela Support Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Câmara Municipal de Pombal Acknowledgments António Moura, Cão Solteiro, Catarina Jesus, Diogo Almeida, HIT Management, Joana Dilão, Laura M Gonçalo Teatro Praga e Vanessa Rodrigues Co-production Plataforma285, Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras, RTP, Teatro-Cine de Pombal and São Luiz Teatro Municipal /// A Plataforma285 é uma estrutura associada de Cão Solteiro e de Appleton – Associação Cultural | That’s All Folks integrou a candidatura da Plataforma285 aos Apoios Sustentados da DGArtes 2023/24, pontuada com 79,43% sem apoio por falta de verba. Foi também proposto a Apoio a Projeto DGArtes 2023, pontuado com 85,75% sem apoio por falta de verba.


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