A guided tour of the Theatre by the São Luiz crew. There will be tours and activities throughout the venues, backstage and workspaces, to get to know the different professions and the different places in this theatre, the curiosities and mysteries that live in this building and those who have been here, as well as the stories of this Theatre and how they are linked to the history of the country.
Visitas Guiadas 2024

27 janeiro (by Téo Pitella – Audience Mediation)
24 fevereiro (by Marta Azenha – Production)
30 March (by Téo Pitella – Audience Mediation)
13 April (by Téo Pitella – Audience Mediation)
11 May (by Marta Azenha – Production)
15 June (by Miguel Loureiro – Artistic Director)
13 July (by Maria Tavora – Stage Manager)
Saturday, 3 pm
Visits for groups are available on other dates and times by appointment to teopitella@egeac.pt (minimum period of 30 days).
Tel. (+351) 213 257 651 / 213 257 620 (call to national landline)
Several areas of the Theatre
1h30 aprox.
€2; Cartão São Luiz: free admission | max capacity 20 places
Cast and Creative
By Maria Tavora, Stage Manager; Marta Azenha, Production; Miguel Loureiro, Artistic Director; Nuno Santos, Communication and Accessibility Manager; Téo Pitella, Audience Mediation