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Dia Mundial da Ópera

book release "Callas e os Seus Duplos"
©Evan Agostini for Base Hologram
Past event
Dates and Schedules

25 October
Wednesday, 5 pm


Sala Mário Viegas


Free admission, subject to capacity. Tickets available at the Theatre Box Office on the same day, from 15h00 (maximum 2 tickets per person).


From this season on, Teatro São Luiz will mark, whenever possible, commemorative dates such as World Theatre Day (27 March), World Dance Day (29 April) and World Music Day (1 October). For the first time, World Opera Day is celebrated here on 25 October, established in 2019 by UNESCO, marking the birth date of Georges Bizet and Johann Strauss II, two greatest figures in the operatic firmament. To begin symbolically but unequivocally, the book Callas e os Seus Duplos: Metamorfoses da Aura na Era Digital, by João Pedro Cachopo is launched, an edition by Sistema Solar/Documenta, which, almost half a century after the death of Maria Callas (1923-1977), observes how the myth of the singer persists.”Adding to exhibitions, documentaries and biographies, there is a proliferation of projects in which the new media plays a decisive role: a virtual duet, a holographic show, an opera-performance. I am interested in the paradox that runs through these projects: on the one hand, the fascination with the dissemination of copies, avatars and doubles; on the other hand, the obsession with the values of the original: authenticity, presence, immediacy. After all, in an era marked by the triumph of technical reproducibility, is aura undergoing a decline or a metamorphosis? And what does the acceleration of the Callas myth tell us, not only about the artist, but also about us and our time?”, asks João Pedro Cachopo. The presentation is made by António Guerreiro and Catarina Molder.

Cast and Creative

Author João Pedro Cachopo Publisher Sistema Solar/Documenta


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