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By Victor Hugo Pontes
©Júlio Eme
Past event
Dates and Schedules

15 to 17 March
Friday and Saturday, 21h
Sunday, 17h30


Sala Luis Miguel Cintra


€12 to €15 with discounts

Age Restriction

Age rate pending


Drama, Victor Hugo Pontes’ new creation, stems from Seis Personagens à Procura de Um Autor, just as Se Alguma Vez Precisares da Minha Vida, Vem e Toma-a had used A Gaivota, by Tchékhov. Continuing his research on the border separating (or maybe not) theatre and dance as well as word and movement, Victor Hugo Pontes creates a new artistic language that is both peculiar and challenging, for himself and his cast, but also for the audience.


As part of the Drama, by Victor Hugo Pontes, there will be a workshop directed by the choreographer, for people over 16, with some experience in performing arts, in order to include 10 participants in the performance.

Availability required on the days of the performances: 15 to 17 March
Inscriptions: prod.nomeproprio@gmail.com

Cast and Creative

Directed and choreographed Victor Hugo Pontes Stage design F. Ribeiro Lighting design and Technical direction Wilma Moutinho Original music Rui Lima and Sérgio Martins Pianist Joana Gama Cast Ángela Diaz Quintela, Daniela Cruz, Félix Lozano, Pedro Frias, Valter Fernandes, Vera Santos and participants from the local community Dramaturgic Support Madalena Alfaia Production director Joana Ventura Assistant producer Mariana Lourenço Artist in residence host Circolando and Teatro Nacional São João Co-production Nome Próprio, Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Teatro Municipal do Porto – Rivoli.Campo Alegre and São Luiz Teatro Municipal


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Low-visibility tickets at the theatre box office ×

The shows by SAMUEL ÚRIA and TONY ANN, which are sold out online, still have reduced-visibility seats available for sale only at the theatre's box office.

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